Allows for strategic management of store’s data.
Streamlines rental process and tracking.
Improves accuracy of rental records.
Controls rental inventory levels.
Creates efficient checkout process.
Reduces theft and unauthorized rentals.
Provides controlled access to records and information.
Integrates with other systems for better data analysis.
Creates a more seamless customer checkout process.
Allows for mobile checking in and out.
Sends automated alerts for timing and service reminders.
Ability to search for and book available vehicles by preferred date, pick-up and drop-off locations, vehicle type, and budget.
Ability to manage customer information, including contact and credit information, to streamline transactions.
Option to create custom rental packages to quickly and easily fulfill customer needs.
Automated analytics to track inventory, customer activity, and changes in pricing.
Ability to configure and manage online reservations, including payment processing.
Support for multiple payment options, including debit and credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies.
Ability to configure collection terms and discounts.
Automated email notifications to customers regarding booking confirmations, special promotions, and cancellations.
Integration with car tracking and navigation systems for enhanced customer experience.
Support for loyalty programs, discount codes, frequent renter points, and other incentives.
Ability to generate customized reports for performance analysis.
Robust security features to ensure data privacy and compliance with regulations.
Unlimited support included.
One-on-one onboarding sessions.
Training videos, webinars, & demos.