Allows dry cleaners and laundry services to manage customer data and automate order management.
Offers a custom interface for the billing and payments process that is optimized for various payment methods.
Provides an integrated revenue management system with automated reporting and analytics.
Streamlines processes by utilizing automated notifications and alerts, historic data analysis, and customer segmentation.
Offers a clean and intuitive interface for printing customer receipts and order delivery labels.
Ability to track customer orders, payments, and sales information.
Automated tracking of open and completed orders.
Track units, items, and inventory levels.
Create customer profiles for enhanced customer service.
Offers multiple payment options and easy payment processing.
Integrates with existing POS hardware.
Ability to customize and add pricing, services, and product categories.
Reports and integration with accounting systems.
Employee management and time tracking features.
Automatically generate email or text alerts to customers.
Accessible from any internet-enabled device.
Unlimited support included.
One-on-one onboarding sessions.
Training videos, webinars, & demos.